Tutorial Sessions/Invited Talks
All tutorials and invited talks are free to registered
conference attendees of all conferences held at
WOLDCOMP'13. Those who are interested in attending one
or more of the tutorials are to sign up on site at the
conference registration desk in Las Vegas. A complete &
current list of WORLDCOMP Tutorials
can be found
In addition to tutorials at other conferences,
DMIN'13 aims at providing a set of tutorials dedicated
to Data Mining topics. The 2007 key tutorial was given
by Prof. Eamonn Keogh on Time Series Clustering. The
2008 key tutorial was presented by Mikhail Golovnya
(Senior Scientist, Salford Systems, USA) on Advanced
Data Mining Methodologies. DMIN'09 provided four
tutorials presented by Prof. Nitesh V. Chawla on Data
Mining with Sensitivity to Rare Events and Class
Imbalance, Prof. Asim Roy on Autonomous Machine Learning,
Dan Steinberg (CEO of Salford Systems) on Advanced Data
Mining Methodologies, and Peter Geczy on Emerging
Human-Web Interaction Research. DMIN'10 hosted a
tutorial presented by Prof. Vladimir Cherkassky on
Advanced Methodologies for Learning with Sparse Data. He
was a keynote speaker as well (Predictive Data Modeling
and the Nature of Scientific Discovery). In 2011, Gary
M. Weiss (Fordham University, USA) presented a tutorial
on Smart Phone-Based Sensor Data Mining. Michael Mahoney
(Stanford University, USA) gave a tutorial on Geometric
Tools for Identifying Structure in Large Social and
Information Networks. DMIN'12 hosted a talk given by
Sofus A. Macskassy
(Univ. of Southern California, USA) on Mining
Social Media: The Importance of Combining Network and
Content as well as a talk given by Haym Hirsh (Rutgers
University, USA): Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck:
The Efficient Use of Crowdsourced Labor for Data
Annotation. Professor Hirsh was a WORLDCOMP keynote
speaker, too.
In addition, we hosted tutorials
and invited talks held by Peter Geczy on Web Mining,
Data Mining and Privacy: Water and Fire?,
and Data Mining in Organizations.
DMIN'13 will be hosting the following
tutorials/invited talks:
Tutorial A |
Speaker |
Cherkassky, Dept. Electrical & Computer Eng.,
University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, USA |
Topic/Title |
Date & Time |
Wednesday, July 24,
03:20 - 05:20pm |
Location |
Cohiba 3 |
Description |
Most learning
methods developed in statistics, machine
learning, and pattern recognition assume a
standard inductive learning formulation, in
which the goal is to estimate a predictive model
from finite training data. While this inductive
setting is very general, there are several
emerging non-standard learning settings that are
particularly attractive for data-analytic
modeling with sparse high-dimensional data. Such
recent non-standard learning approaches include
transduction, learning using privileged
information, universum learning and multi-task
learning. This tutorial describes the
methodology called Universum learning or
learning through contradiction (Vapnik 1998,
2006). It provides a formal mechanism for
incorporating a priori knowledge about the
application data for binary classification
problems. This knowledge is provided in the form
of unlabeled Universum data samples, in addition
to labeled training samples (under standard
inductive setting). The Universum samples belong
to the same application domain as training data.
However, they do not belong to either class, so
they are treated as contradictions under a
modified SVM-like Universum formulation. Several
recent analytical and empirical studies provide
ample evidence that Universum learning can
improve generalization performance, especially
for very ill-posed sparse settings.
This tutorial will
present an overview of Universum learning for
binary classification along with practical
conditions for evaluating the effectiveness of
Universum learning, relative to standard SVM
classifiers (Cherkassky et al, 2011; Cherkassky,
2013). Then I will present an extension of
Universum SVM to cost-sensitive classification
settings (Dhar and Cherkassky, 2012).
The Universum
learning methodology is known only for
classification setting. It is not clear how to
extend or modify the idea of learning through
contradiction to other types of learning
problems because the notion of ‘contradiction’
has been originally introduced for binary
classification (Vapnik 1998). In the second part
of this tutorial I will present some recent work
on extending the idea of Universum learning to
other types of learning problems, such as
regression and single-class learning. For these
problems, one can also expect to achieve
improved generalization performance by
incorporating a priori knowledge in the form of
additional data samples from the same
application domain. I will present new Universum
problem settings for regression and single-class
learning, along with (mathematical) SVM-like
optimization formulations and discuss several
application examples.
Researchers and practitioners
interested in understanding advanced learning
methodologies, and their applications.
Participants are expected to have background
knowledge of standard Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Cherkassky, V. and F.
Mulier, Learning from Data, second
edition, Wiley, 2007
Cherkassky, V.,
Predictive Learning, VCtextbook.com. 2013
Cherkassky, V., Dhar, S.,
and W. Dai, Practical Conditions for
Effectiveness of the Universum Learning,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,vol.22,
no. 8, 1241-1255, 2011.
Dhar, S. and V.
Cherkassky, Cost-Sensitive Universum-SVM,
Proc. ICMLA, 2012
Vapnik, V., Statistical
Learning Theory, Wiley, 1998
Vapnik, V., Empirical
Inference Science: Afterword of 2006,
Springer 2006
Short Bio |
Vladimir Cherkassky
is Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He
received Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of Texas at
Austin in 1985. His current research is
predictive learning from data, and he has
co-authored a monograph Learning From Data
published by Wiley in 1998 (first edition) and
2007(second edition). He served on the Board of
Governors of INNS in 1996-1997. He serves / has
served on editorial boards of many journals
including Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Neural
Processing Letters and Natural Computing. He
served on the program committee of major
international conferences on Artificial Neural
Networks. He was Director of NATO Advanced Study
Institute (ASI) From Statistics to Neural
Networks: Theory and Pattern Recognition
Applications held in France, in 1993. He
presented numerous tutorials and invited talks
on neural networks and predictive learning from
Prof. Cherkassky was active
in promoting applications of predictive learning
and artificial neural networks since late
1980’s. More recently, he organized and
co-chaired several special sessions on Climate
Modeling and Earth Sciences Applications at
IJCNN 2005-2008.
He was elected in 2007 as
Fellow of IEEE for ‘contributions and
leadership in statistical learning and neural
networks’, and in 2008 he received The A.
Richard Newton Breakthough Research Award
from Microsoft Research for development
and application of new learning methodologies
Tutorial B |
Speaker |
Inselberg, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel
Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Topic/Title |
& Data Mining for High Dimensional Datasets |
Date & Time |
Tuesday, July 23,
05:00 - 07:00pm |
Location |
Cohiba 3 |
Description |
A dataset with M
items has 2M subsets anyone of which
may be the one fullfiling our objectives. With a
good data display and interactivity our
fantastic pattern-recognition can not only cut
great swaths searching through this
combinatorial explosion, but also extract
insights from the visual patterns. These are the
core reasons for data visualization. With
parallel coordinates (abbr. ||-cs) the search
for relations in multivariate datasets is
transformed into a 2-D pattern recognition
problem. The foundations are developed
interlaced with applications. Guidelines and
strategies for knowledge discovery are
illustrated on several real datasets (financial,
process control, credit-score,
intrusion-detection etc) one with hundreds of
variables. A geometric classification algorithm
is presented and applied to complex datasets. It
has low computational complexity providing the
classification rule explicitly and visually. The
minimal set of variables required to state the
rule (features) is found and ordered by their
predictive value. Multivariate relations can be
modeled as hypersurfaces and used for decision
support. A model of a (real) country’s economy
reveals sensitivies, impact of constraints,
trade-offs and economic sectors unknowingly
competing for the same resources. An overview of
the methodology provides foundational
understanding; learning the patterns
corresponding to various multivariate relations.
These patterns are robust in the presence of
errors and that is good news for the
applications. We stand at the threshold of
breaching the gridlock of multidimensional
The parallel
coordinates methodology has been applied to
collision avoidance and conflict resolution
algorithms for air traffic control (3 USA
patents), computer vision (1 USA patent), data
mining (1 USA patent), optimization, decision
support and elsewhere.
The accurate visualization of
multidimensional problems and multivariate data
unlocks insigths into the
role of dimensionality. The tutorial is designed
to provide such insights for people working on
problems. |
Short Bio |
Alfred Inselberg
received a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Physics
from the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana)
and was Research Professor there until 1966. He
held research positions at IBM, where he
developed a Mathematical Model of Ear (TIME Nov.
74), concurrently having joint appointments at
USC and later at the Technion and Ben Gurion
University. Since 1995 he is Professor at the
School of Mathematical Sciences at Tel Aviv
University. He was elected Senior Fellow at the
San Diego Supercomputing Center in 1996,
Distinguished Visiting Professor at Korea
University in 2008 and Distinguished Visiting
Professor at National University of Singapore in
2011. Alfred invented and developed the
multidimensional system of Parallel Coordinates
for which he received numerous awards and
patents (on Air Traffic Control,
Collision-Avoidance, Computer Vision, Data
Mining). The textbook Parallel Coordinates:
VISUAL Multidimensional Geometry and its
Applications”, Springer (October) 2009, has a
full chapter on Data Mining and was acclaimed,
among others, by Stephen Hawking. |
Invited Talks
Invited Talk A |
Speaker |
Peter Geczy,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST), Japan |
Topic/Title |
Big Data = Big Challenges? |
Date & Time |
Wednesday, July
24, 11:00 - 12:20pm |
Location |
Cohiba 3 |
Description |
Digital revolution
of the past few decades has led to
ever-expanding quantity and diversity of data.
Complex systems and devices generate rapidly
large amounts of operational data, human
interactions with digital environments are
recorded to a great detail, and sensors in
gadgets and mobile devices collect a broad
spectrum of data with increasing frequency. We
leave a constantly growing amount of digital
tracks as we go about our lives. Vast volumes of
diverse data present various novel challenges
and opportunities. Big data enable us to tackle
longstanding complex problems that we have been
unable to approach formerly. However, they also
bring forward new challenges ranging from
technological issues, through processing and
data mining, to social and policy implications.
We shall explore pertinent interdisciplinary
aspects of these emerging initiatives. |
Short Bio |
Dr. Peter
Geczy is with the National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He
also held positions at the Institute of Physical
and Chemical Research (RIKEN) and the Research
Center for Future Technologies. His
interdisciplinary scientific interests encompass
domains of data and web mining, human
interactions and behavior, social intelligence
technologies, privacy, information systems,
knowledge management and engineering, artificial
intelligence, and adaptable systems. His recent
research focus also extends to the spheres of
service science, engineering, management, and
computing. He received several awards in
recognition of his accomplishments. Dr. Geczy
has been serving on various professional boards
and committees, and has been a distinguished
speaker in academia and industry. |
Invited Talk B |
Speaker |
Cherkassky, Dept. Electrical & Computer Eng.,
University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, USA |
Topic/Title |
The Problem
of Induction: When Karl Popper meets Big Data |
Date & Time |
Monday, July 22,
03:20 - 04:40pm |
Location |
Cohiba 3 |
Description |
The main
intellectual appeal of ‘Big Data’ is its promise
to generate knowledge from data. This talk will
provide critical evaluation of the popular view
‘more_data --> more_knowledge’, using both
philosophical and technical arguments. In the
philosophy of science, data-driven knowledge
discovery is known as the problem of induction (or
inductive inference). It has been known and
studied by scientists and philosophers for ages.
In particular, the problems of induction and (classical)
knowledge discovery have been thoroughly
investigated in Western philosophy of science.
Later, in the 20-th century, two different
technical methodologies for making (mathematically)
rigorous inferences from data have been
developed by Ronald Fisher (~ classical
statistics) and by Vladimir Vapnik (~ VC-theory).
Recent growth of digital data produced many
data-analytic techniques developed by
mathematicians/statisticians, engineers,
biologists, computer scientists, economists etc.
Yet current understanding of the important
methodological aspects of these data-analytic
algorithms (among practitioners and researchers)
is very rudimentary or non-existent.
My talk will
expand on:
philosophical aspects of data-driven
knowledge discovery, e.g. the difference
between classical scientific knowledge and
modern data-analytic knowledge.
difference between classical statistics and
predictive (VC-theoretical) methodology.
In particular, VC-theoretical methodology is
more appropriate for estimating predictive
models, and it has clear philosophical
interpretation (which is very different from
classical statistics). Unfortunately,
confusion often arises when machine learning
algorithms (that implement VC-theoretical
framework) are presented/interpreted via
classical statistical framework.
importance of VC-theoretical methodology
for data mining applications. These
practical aspects include: (a) formalization
of application domain requirements, (b)
parameter tuning (aka model complexity
control) and (c) interpretation of
predictive (black-box) models.
All philosophical
and methodological points presented in this talk
will be illustrated using application examples
ranging from image recognition to financial
engineering and life sciences.
Short Bio |
Vladimir Cherkassky
is Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He
received Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of Texas at
Austin in 1985. His current research is
predictive learning from data, and he has
co-authored a monograph Learning From Data
published by Wiley in 1998 (first edition) and
2007(second edition). He served on the Board of
Governors of INNS in 1996-1997. He serves / has
served on editorial boards of many journals
including Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Neural
Processing Letters and Natural Computing. He
served on the program committee of major
international conferences on Artificial Neural
Networks. He was Director of NATO Advanced Study
Institute (ASI) From Statistics to Neural
Networks: Theory and Pattern Recognition
Applications held in France, in 1993. He
presented numerous tutorials and invited talks
on neural networks and predictive learning from
Prof. Cherkassky was active
in promoting applications of predictive learning
and artificial neural networks since late
1980’s. More recently, he organized and
co-chaired several special sessions on Climate
Modeling and Earth Sciences Applications at
IJCNN 2005-2008.
He was elected in 2007 as
Fellow of IEEE for ‘contributions and
leadership in statistical learning and neural
networks’, and in 2008 he received The A.
Richard Newton Breakthough Research Award
from Microsoft Research for development
and application of new learning methodologies